The Team

Ally Manganaro, Founder, CEO/CCO

Hi everyone! My name is Ally and I am the Founder and CEO/CCO of Northern Waves Swim School. I am currently attending Wilfrid Laurier University studying French/Italian and Economics.

I started Northern Waves when I was only 16 years old after working as an instructor where I gained experience and mentorship from successful Deck Supervisors/Co-ordinators. The four years that followed had me creating my own program affiliated with the Life Saving Society that encourages children to learn to swim in a practical, hands-on approach. Adapting new insights to help my students become better swimmers by finding techniques and drills that work best for them individually. I have a profound passion for inspiring the younger generation through aquatics and sport. I believe that any child is capable of anything. My goal is to continue leading Northern Waves Swim School and show my students the potential that comes through passion.

Last year, I was involved in a serious highway accident that could have potentially taken my life. That experience has helped me crystallize my ambitions – not only did it have me doubling-down on my passions – but it also made me realize the importance of family, support, and being truly present every day. Life really is about being around the people you love, and doing your best to love every moment.

So yes, while I am certified in Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross, Emergency First Aid and CPR-B, Standard First Aid and CPR-C, National Lifeguard, Swim Instruction, Emergency First Aid Instruction, and Advanced Instruction – it is this newly amplified and sincere respect for life that helps me ensure that your kids will never feel like swim instruction is a chore.

I have a profound respect for the power of leading.

When picking my instructors, I only hire previous Northern Waves students who are determined to work, and I have personally been able to get to know.

Malcolm Orlando, CFO, Deck Supervisor, Head Instructor

Malcolm O

Hello everyone! My name is Malcolm Orlando and I am a qualified instructor and lifeguard. I am going into my third year of university at Wilfrid Laurier University. This is my second summer with Northern Waves and I am so excited to come back! Prior to joining the team, I worked for 2 years at a private swim school gaining experience and working with many types of children. I have taken away various teaching methods and drills in order to provide students with a learning experience tailored towards them, while continuing to keep a safe and fun-filled environment!

In addition to obtaining my National Lifeguard qualification and Standard First Aid, my other qualifications are as follows: Emergency First-Aid, CPR-B, CPR-C, Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross.

I have a great passion for swimming and hope to inspire young swimmers to push themselves and encourage their confidence in the water. I specialize in working with students in the higher levels as I enjoy teaching children the technical aspect to swimming. As an instructor, it is my duty to make sure students enjoy themselves while learning in a positive environment. I look forward to meeting and working with new students and their families this upcoming summer!

Kristin Gillen, Preschool Program Coordinator and Head Instructor

Kristin G

Welcome everyone! My name is Kristin Gillen and this is my first summer joining the Northern Waves team! I couldn’t be more excited. I am a third-year student at University of Toronto who is incredibly passionate about working with children. I grew up playing many different kinds of sports and once I got older, I knew I wanted to work in that environment somehow… Here we are!

I have worked for the Town of Newmarket for over 3.5 years now gaining experience and working with many types of children. I enjoy finding creative ways to make swimming a positive experience for all kids. I specialize in working with preschool and toddler lessons. I just can’t get enough of the little guys! I am a qualified National Lifeguard and LSS Instructor with First-Aid and CPR-C.

I hope to use my previous knowledge and experience to the Northern Waves family this summer. I look forward to working with you all in the pool!

Sophia Fiorini, Head Instructor, Accounting Assistant

Sophia F

Hi everyone! My name is Sophia and I am so excited to work with all of you for the second summer. Swimming has always been a huge part of my life. From learning to swim, swimming on a competitive team, and 4 years of teaching experience, I am determined to share the excitement of swimming and the opportunities it can bring you in the future. I specialize in working with the students looking to perfect their technique, stroke development, and endurance in the water.

I am currently studying Commerce at the University of Toronto and hope to one day achieve my CPA designation. I am a fully certified NL and Instructor for the Life Saving Society. I also obtain my Standard First-Aid and CPR-C as well as my Emergency First-Aid and CPR-B.

Emily Fiorini, Instructor, Advance Course Coordinator

Emily F

Hi everyone! My name is Emily and I am so excited to meet you all this summer. I have a profound passion for working with kids in any shape or form. I have worked at Kumon and the Town of Newmarket for almost a year now figuring out different ways to work with different kids. On the side I enjoy watching Formula-1 races and researching about engineering.

I am a fully qualified Swim Instructor, Emergency First-Aid Instructor, and Lifeguard associated with the Lifesaving Society. I am looking to get some new courses in the near future so I can teach the big guys about lifesaving! I have always had a passion and love for the water and kids… So, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon that’s for sure!

I look forward to working with the Northern Waves family this year and meeting all the new faces! Stay well and safe!

Madeline Fantin, Head Instructor

Maddy F

Hi all! My name is Madeline and I will be working in the Bolton area this summer. Ally, Malcolm, and I all grew up together in this little group called the Framily. It was where a village helped raise a family. My goal is to help Ally and Malcolm grow this business from the ground up! But that doesn’t happen without all of you!

I am a fully certified Lifeguard and Swim Instructor as well as an Emergency First-Aid Instructor and CPR-B. I believe the world is a super special place and we all need to take care of our planet, or we may not be able to enjoy the things that truly make us humans…Happiness!